Kelly Gallager-Abbott
–Jukebox Quilts
Have you wandered into a quilt shop recently and wondered about the new tools on display? Or a new technique? Well, this program is for you. Kelly, the owner of Jukebox Quilts and will present a program “The Cutting Edge”, on the newest quilting tools, products, techniques, and tricks. This will include a slide program, with a brief trunk show. Kelly will also bring some of the new tools and products to the program for you to purchase. Bring your checkbook! The program will be on July 13, 2016.
Kelly was educated in
the science and art of nursing and worked as a high-risk labor and delivery
nurse, but was always very interested in textiles and art. She began quilting in 1988, and shortly after
that began both her family and Jukebox Quilts. She designed a fabric
line, many patterns for quilts, digitize quilting and embroidery motifs, and
has written several books. Currently,
Kelly is a co-curator (with Patt Blair) of an exhibit of Route 66 quilts that
is traveling for three years.
Information about all of these exhibits can be found on “I have two
great passions (besides that for my family):
I can’t wait to quilt every day, and I absolute adore teaching others
about quilting.”
Guests are encouraged to attend for a nominal fee of $10.
Join us at Good Sam’s, 1901 Ptarmigan Trail, Wed., June 13 at
6:45 pm.